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we never stop learning.

We're always hungry for new ideas and fresh ways of thinking. We go into every day with an open mind and tons of curiosity, connecting with inspiring people and groups that keep the learning alive.

Learning in the classroom

We get our best ideas from the source - the students and teachers who use our products every day. 

  • Our teachers hubs, whiteboard tables and Spacemakers™ were all designed as a direct result of collaboration with our students and teachers - their insights drove innovation. You can learn how our Spacemakers™ design process was driven by the end user in our video below. 
  • We visited classrooms throughout New Zealand measuring 20,000 children because we wanted to help find a better way of learning. The results led to the development of our award-winning Bodyfurn® range. Read more.
  • In their study of the impact of Bodyfurn® on classroom learning environments, University of Waikato researchers spent hours in classrooms - videoing, interviewing and discussing the dramatic difference Bodyfurn made to students and teachers.  
  • We like to share our learnings. In our Five Steps to a Great Learning Environment we combine the best of pedagogical theory with practical solutions from schools we work with. It's great to spread the word about things that work, giving teachers a handy roadmap for change. 

Furnware furniture designers Jessica Mitchell and Kieran Foley discuss Spacemakers™ and user-centered design.

Learning in the world. 

We have a network of strong partnerships and relationships with leading educational experts around the world. 

  • We challenge conventional thinking and are currently exploring Colour Theory in Learning Spaces, which is endorsed by Doctor Marilyn Field of Oregon State University. The paper is the result of a global expert search conducted by Callaghan Innovation.
  • We attend education and technology conferences and furniture fairs globally, so we can benchmark ourselves with the best and seek out the insights that lead to innovative breakthroughs. 

Learning for the future.

We're constantly asking 'what's next?'

  • The world of education is changing at speed. We're always on the search to find the best ways to help schools remain relevant, successful, vibrant centres of face-to-face learning and collaboration.
  • We gain inspiration and direction from respected educationalists and thinkers such as Sir Ken Robinson, Sugata Mitra, Simon Sinek and Carol Dweck.