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Increasing student engagement - why whiteboards work.

The ancient Egyptians were definitely onto something when they drew hieroglyphics all over the pyramid walls. For thousands of years we have been capturing stories and mapping out solutions to problems by writing on surfaces.

And even though the stone tablets of old have been replaced with the digital tablets of today, there’s still something about capturing ideas and sharing information in a written form that can’t be replaced.

Communication, discussion and inclusivity are all improved when students and teachers use whiteboards for collaboration and information sharing. Here’s our top six reasons why they work so well in a learning environment and discover in our video below, what teachers and students love about this low-tech learning tool. 

Whiteboards encourage participation by all students.

1. Whiteboard surfaces promote collaboration.

Writing in a book or using a device is a very solitary exercise. Having students sit around a whiteboard to share and generate ideas, while being able to view each other’s work has a positive impact on everyone's wellbeing. If one student is having a bit of an ‘off day’, watching a peer writing and collaborating can really help to encourage participation.


Even the Furnware designers use whiteboards to work out problems and come up with solutions.

2. Create a visual thought process. 

Students can visually work through a problem, wiping off and re-starting when they need to. They can get their ideas down and everyone can see them, allowing discussion and feedback along the way as they explore alternatives to get to the answer. Students will often work things through before they commit to writing their finished work in a book.

Whiteboards are democratic - everyone can participate equally.

3. Every student is created equal.

Unlike a personal device, where one person is in control of the keyboard, whiteboards encourage democracy. Every student can have access to a pen and whiteboard surface and contribute at the same time. Encouraging an environment where everyone's ideas can be shared at once affords some wonderful creative thinking.  

Easy, simple and effective...and a little bit fun too!

4. Easy to use. 

Whiteboards might be a simple learning tool, but it's this simplicity that can encourage big thinking. You don’t need to learn a new program or update software. You don’t need to worry about it running out of batteries or crashing on you. You just need to clean it every once in a while... and that’s about it.

Think adaptability - whiteboards can work on a variety of surfaces to create another useful teaching space.

5. Any surface can become a whiteboard.

Well... almost. From tables, to storage units to teachers hubs - whiteboard surfaces can work wherever and however you teach. Where else can you get away with letting the kids write on furniture?

Got a new idea? Great, scribble it, snap it, save it and later on, share it with others.

6. Save it for later.

Got some good ideas? Then get them down on your whiteboard. Take a picture of your mini Einsteins' masterpieces and then store it, so you can share their big ideas and clever solutions later on. 

They don't require a manual, batteries or software upgrades. Teachers and Students love whiteboards.