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research shows Bodyfurn comfort leads to better concentration.

Independent research from a leading New Zealand university shows Bodyfurn furniture is more comfortable. Not only that, it's also easier to use, increases concentration and reduces off-task behaviour.

We'd always believed our furniture enhanced learning environments, leading to better learning outcomes. In collaboration with partners in academia and government, we commissioned an independent report from the University of Waikato to prove it.

The Institute of Educational Research used a range of methods to investigate the introduction of Bodyfurn® to a cross-section of students. The University’s report used a ‘before and after’ analysis of four classrooms of primary and intermediate students using Bodyfurn® chairs and desks for the first time. The analysis triangulated data from video analysis, interviews, questionnaires and focus groups to include both qualitative and quantitative data from students and teachers.

The researchers videoed the classes and using computer software, carefully observed the classroom dynamics and behaviour before and after the new furniture was introduced. They also asked the students and teachers what they thought, individually and in groups.

The research found that the furniture was more comfortable and easier to use. It also increased concentration and reduced off-task behaviour. The report concluded that, “Bodyfurn® classroom furniture impacted positively on classroom learning environments”. Put simply, the new furniture made classrooms better places for learning.
