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project profile

St John the Baptist Catholic School | Plympton, South Australia

Driven by a commitment to fostering a supportive environment, St John the Baptist Catholic School recognised the importance of equipping students to manage their emotions effectively. They approached Furnware with the intention of creating a Wellbeing Room for their primary school students. 
The vision for the Wellbeing Room was a space filled with various sensory tools, zones, and activities designed to help students refocus and reengage in their learning. The refurbishment transformed an existing area into a calming and supportive environment, tailored to meet the diverse student needs. Now, the Wellbeing Room offers different sensory experiences, ensuring every student can find something to help them regain their composure and continue their academic journey with renewed energy. 
For the furniture, the school opted for the Hideaway Hood and the Rocking Perch, paired with Study Nooks and Base Round Ottomans. The Hideaway Hood provides a personal refuge for students in need of some space to reset, while the Rocking Perch provides stimulation and allows students to self-regulate. Our Study Nook has been likened to a ‘cave’ and is the preferred choice for quiet learning when students need to withdraw from the stimulation of a bustling classroom.
In terms of colour palette, green and blue tones were matched with timber-look finishes to facilitate an earthy look and feel. Cooler colours are often selected for calming or lower frequency environments, creating a welcoming and supportive space.

“The students love their new learning space. They’re great products, with a wide range of options to choose from. One student even said, ‘I want to live here’.”

Todd LaForgia – Principal, St John the Baptist Catholic School

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