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new pedagogies called for a fresh approach to learning spaces.

When Whitiora School adopted new teaching practices, staff realised they needed a new environment to match. They set about creating flexible spaces with state-of-the-art furniture to support learning.

Whitiora School Principal, Paul Cooper had been studying the future of education and current teaching trends and believed collaborative inquiry learning was the way to go. He and his team partnered with Furnware to help realise the vision for their new learning environments.

Collaboration is at the heart of the Whitiora enquiry-learning mode. Group work is key so flexible learning spaces were a must. Furnware suggested a combination of group tables and Bodyfurn® Sled Chairs in each centre, promoting long-term comfort for students.

Stools and benches are comfortable for hands-on, practical classes.

Whitiora fosters experimentation through science, art and technology. Learning is hands on and students needed to feel comfortable and supported during those classes. Bodyfurn® Lab Stools and heavy duty Lab Benches with foot rails for added stability were installed, to give maximum comfort for improved concentration.

Soft and hard furnishing solutions for group work.

To help create an environment that promoted learning, Furnware recommended comfortable, soft furniture such as Base Curve Ottomans, Beanbags, Cookie Pads and Akiako Waves. These added to an inviting and relaxing atmosphere, encouraging students to focus when they really needed to. The response to the new fit out by students and teachers has been hugely positive, enhancing the school’s learning philosophies.


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